At Walhampton we have an extraordinary range of sports on offer using our wonderful grounds and facilities.
To increase each pupil’s range of physical skills and enhance his or her physical awareness.
To make a positive contribution to the physical health of each pupil.
To give scope to each pupil to enable him or her to explore and fulfil his or her physical potential.
To develop in each pupil a positive attitude to and understanding of fitness, health, exercise and hygiene.
To prepare each pupil for active recreational and leisure time after leaving school.
To contribute to the moral development of each pupil, instilling positive values and desirable modes and standards of behaviour.
To aid each pupil’s personal and social development, encouraging correct attitudes towards, and productive, stable relationships with his or her peers.
To allow scope for the development of reasoning and making judgements in certain situations within the physical environment.
How do we achieve this:
From Kindergarten to Yr 6 we run a comprehensive, progressive Physical Education programme which develops movement skills, athletic ability and physical literacy. To achieve this we cover activities including individual and team sports, such as:
Speed, Agility, Quickness drills (SAQ)
Short Tennis
Team Games for understanding (TGFU)
Movement Skills
On top of the PE programme is the weekly GAMES program where pupils from Yrs 3-8 enjoy extensive lessons a week of GAMES training in sport traditional to that term: Football, rugby, hockey, cross country, rounders, cricket, athletics, swimming. Weekly inter-school matches as well as highly competitive House matches bring the competitive element. Skill targets are available for viewing on the individual sports pages on the top left of this page.
In addition to PE lessons & GAMES there is opportunity for pupils to experience many bespoke sports with expert tuition:
Horse riding
Tennis lessons
Golf lessons